Why become an affiliate?
The Noakes Foundation is an internationally recognized Public Benefit Organization (PBO) founded by Prof Tim Noakes, an A1 rated scientist, doctor and researcher.
The Foundation is supported by a distinguishable team of health experts, Doctors, Scientists, Dieticians, Nutritionists and Researchers and has an extensive national and international network of game changing ambassadors, retailers, innovators, educators and brands. All those involved are committed to changing the world.
The Noakes Foundation represents the gold standard of Banting / LCHF
By becoming an affiliate of the Foundation you are positioned as a trusted brand and one that the consumer can rely on and has confidence in.
Consumers committed to action through their choices in the market will look out for this stamp:
How we work together with our affiliates to support their market penetration and growth:
- Product / networking / PR support
- Diabetic patient product trials and research
- Product development, recipe and ingredient support
- Access to our team of medical and industry professionals
- Access to our extensive network
- Regular event and media opportunities
- Recognition and support by the Foundation – on the website and in PR
- Involvement in Eat Better South Africa! initiatives
How do you go about becoming an affiliate?
- Affiliate application submitted: proposed affiliate applies to become an affiliate by completing the application form
- Affiliate interview: first introduction.
- Affiliates send product samples: The Foundation team tests and samples
- Nutritional testing and verification: all products are required to undergo independent nutritional lab testing on each product. Lab results are reviewed and verified by our team of medical professionals
- Signing of affiliate agreement: affiliates will be approved to use The Noakes Foundation affiliate stamp on packaging
- Artwork supplied: artwork for product packaging is provided and affiliate is listed on The Noakes Foundation website.
- Consumer education and ongoing support
* Due to the stringent nature of our application process The Noakes Foundation reserves the right to work only with closely aligned ethical partners.
To find out more about our affiliate program and how you can join, email info@thenoakesfoundation.org