Jayne Bullen, manager of The Noakes Foundation, will be speaking with the Foundation’s doctor, Dr. Salih Solomon, at the Low Carb USA conference at the end of July.
Low Carb USA is bringing together 25 of the world’s top medical and scientific minds on how nutrition can treat and prevent serious disease at the largest-ever low-carb conference in San Diego, USA. The conference is hosted by Low Carb USA, an organization focused on dietary education and support, and will be held from July 29 – July 31.
The Speaker Lineup includes 25 of the world’s leading scientists and professionals, all gathering to highlight the catastrophic failure of the current USDA-HHS dietary guidelines to fight obesity and diabetes in America, and the large body of scientific literature supporting better dietary options.
Among the speakers are: Gary Taubes, Dr. Michael Eades, DR, Eric Westmann, Dr. Jeff Volek, Dr. Jason Fung. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, Ivor Cummins, The Foundation’s own Jayne Bullen and Dr. Salih Solomon.
Jayne is the leader of The Noakes Foundation and works closely with Prof Noakes and a team of visionary scientists in Cape Town, addressing the escalating obesity and diabetes crisis in South Africa and the world through research and community education interventions. Her talk is titled: Changing a nation on USD 6,000 and will be based on the Ocean View intervention the Foundation conducted in 2015. It will focus on township life and obesity trends in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa and will illustrate the importance of educating the lower LSM’s on the benefits of eating real, healthy food. Jayne will discuss what The Noakes Foundation has done in local communities to implement grass root dietary change through its Eat Better South Africa! platform.
Dr. Solomon’s talk will focus on understanding the challenges to promoting health in a setting of complexity, as well as presenting ideas and interventions under development to empower individuals and communities to make better health choices.
The other speakers will present solid new clinical trial research showing how and why these guidelines are in urgent need of radical revision for the sake of population health in the US and across the globe Conference speakers will also look at the many myths that exist about benefits and risks of low-carb, high-fat eating regimens, and will explore new advances in the science and practice of these diets.
Over 900 people are expected to attend the conference. The Noakes Foundation will be joined by representatives from our two affiliate partners, Banting Blvd and Probyo, highlighting the important changes our food industry members are making in an attempt to create a healthier South Africa.
For more information about the event please visit: