The Noakes Foundation, in partnership with the the amazing The Banting Pocket Guide co-authors, Bridgette Allan and Bernadine Douglas, have released their own Green, Orange, and Red lists.

The lists are designed to be an easy and accessible summary of what should and should not be eaten when following a LCHF lifestyle. Print them out and stick them on your fridge as a quick and easy grocery guide.

These lists are a condensed version of the food lists that appear in The Banting Pocket Guide. The Pocket Guide is Prof Noakes’ latest Banting book which is co-authored by Bridgette and Bernadine. The  Guide will answer your most pressing questions about the LCHF lifestyle and will bust the most common myths that have cropped up around Banting – and in a new accessible pocket-sized format!

The books are available in stores and online – a portion of books sold will go to the Foundation’s Eat Better South Africa! community education initiative.

Click on the list names to download them:

Green List

The Green Food List is the only list that you can eat from on a daily basis. These are the foods that are nutritious, low in carbs per portion, and extremely healthy. Practicing portion control is still important when eating from this list

Orange List

The Orange Food List is for people who have reached their goal weight and want to include some of the vegetables and berries on this list, or for those who are not sensitive to carbohydrates and can tolerate these vegetables and fruits.

Red List

The Red Food List must be avoided at all costs. We don’t even recommend these foods as a once-in-a-while treat, as they are highly processed and contain unhealthy additives and chemicals.

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