The Banting Diet and Constipation – Get regular on LCHF

Today on the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast we chat to Prof. Tim Noakes about constipation on the LCHF Diet. It is very common and very easy to sort it out and he gives us advise here on the simplest way to resolve it.

Is the LCHF Diet proving to be a ‘Hard Matter’ for you?

A question that we get asked quite often is about constipation on the LCHF or Banting Diet. Ida got in touch and she told us she is loving the LCHF or Banting Diet lifestyle.

She has lost 15kg’s and going strong. She is however struggling with a bit of constipation. What can she do to improve the functioning of her bowels to avoid constipation on the Banting Diet?

Prof Tim Noakes: The treatment of constipation is pretty simple. I found that psyllium husks are absolutely perfect. You can have perfect bowel function if you just get in a little bit of psyllium husk every day.

I find that these low carb healthy fat breads are full of psyllium husks. There is one made in Cape town called LifeBake, one single tiny slice of bread gives you about 12g’s of fibre, and your bowel function is unbelievable after that.

Eat Psyllium Husk to stop constipation while Banting

So psyllium husks – and we describe it in the book – if you just take 2 table spoons a day, I think that’s all you need. One of the problems is that people who’ve been eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, their gut function is not normal actually.

They pass a lot of stools and there is a lot of mucus in those stools. It’s actually an irritation, the gut is irritated, that is why they have frequent stools and they think that is normal. It is not normal. It is abnormal.

But if you are getting hard stool and you are really struggling, that is real constipation and it has to be sorted out by increasing the psyllium husks. So that is the advice. It is an easy problem to solve.

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