The Swim Challenge: A Test of Endurance Without Carbs

On September 19th, 2024, two remarkable athletes, Neil and David, completed a grueling 22-mile (36km) swim in just 11 hours and 55 minutes. This feat of endurance is impressive on its own, but what makes it even more noteworthy is how Neil achieved it – without consuming a single calorie throughout the swim. This experiment […]

The Perils of Cybercrime: How Meta Can Better Protect Users from Scams and Brandjacking

In an era where digital platforms dominate our daily lives, the issue of cybercrime has become more pressing than ever. Recently, a concerning example of this emerged with a misleading deepfake video featuring Emeritus Professor Tim Noakes, which falsely advertised “erection dysfunction pills.” Despite accruing half a million views before its removal, the incident underscores […]

Transformation Through LCHF (Banting): A Story of Health and Liberation

We were relatively skinny as kids. I did boxing as a sport, gym, squash, etc. Petro was also active and doing athletics, Netball, etc. At age 17 I went to the army weighing in at 68kg. After my time in the army, I was still exercising, going to the gym, and enjoying squash. After we […]

National Nutrition Week 2023 Questioning Nutritional Guidelines: Are They Truly Healthy?

As South Africa commemorates National Nutrition Week from October 9 to 15, we’re diving deep into the vital role that nutrition plays in our lives. This year’s theme, “Feel Good with Food“, reminds us that making the right food choices isn’t just about what’s on our plates – it’s about building healthier lives and communities. […]

LCHF Diet on Diabetes and Athletes

LCHF Diet on Diabetes and Athletes Last week on the 8th of June we commemorated Noakes Day, a day to recognize The Noakes Foundation’s founder and scientist, Prof Tim Noakes. Prof Noakes is well known for his influences on the scientific community and for his groundbreaking research in South Africa and all around the world. […]

What happened to Freedom of Dialogue? Prof Noakes Banned on Twitter!

Long recognized and venerated as a pioneer thinker, critical challenger and advocate of scientific freedom, Prof Noakes has been banned from Twitter with no warning! We find it unacceptable that Noakes would be taken off this platform and his critical voice restricted in this way. Prof Noakes and The Noakes Foundation believes that everyone has […]

Ancel Keys Cholesterol Con. Part 14. 1994-2017

1994. The findings of the Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) study are reported. The MONICA study was initiated in 1974 with the goal of measuring trends in cardiovascular mortality and coronary heart disease and stroke morbidity in 21 countries and to assess the extent to which these trends could be […]

What You Achieve With Healthy Living

One of the challenges we regularly face is what to eat on a daily basis. A visit to the grocery store is no longer a simple task as we’re presented with thousands of food products, all aimed at getting us, the consumers, to carry them home to our kitchens. This makes choosing healthy foods quite […]

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