World Diabetes Day 2021 – What’s the deal with diabetes?

Diabetes Awareness Day marks one of the most important days in The Noakes Foundation calendar. The Noakes Foundation is pleased to recognise World Diabetes Day this year and to create awareness surrounding diabetes management, while supporting under-resourced communities in the process. We empower them through nutritional education programmes to eat better, to get better. One […]

#NoakesDay 2021

Every year on the 8th of June, The Noakes Foundation commemorates and honours the inspiring legacy of Prof Tim Noakes and his contributions towards the LCHF mandate to reverse years of improper nutritional teachings, insufficient treatment, and outlook on Type 2 diabetes globally, along with other non-communicable diseases of lifestyle. #NoakesDay is a significant occasion […]

How to reduce sugar…a step-by-step guide

I am ALWAYS shocked by how much sugar people generally have in their pantries (Even in their bedroom cupboards, cars, handbags and kids’ lunchboxes). I am ALWAYS horrified by how much sugar I once consumed…even straight out of the sugar jar! My journey towards removing processed foods and refined carbs from my and my family’s […]

Nuts about tree nuts! How new evidence is shaping our idea of tree nuts

If you follow a healthy lifestyle it is sure that tree nuts have come across your path in some way shape or form, as they boast an array of attractive benefits. Although, a few years ago tree nuts were considered a no-go for healthy eaters everywhere as they were considered foods high in calories and […]

Prof Noakes recognised yet again as a top scientist in his field!

It is with delight that we announce Prof Noakes being recognised for his years of hard work and dedication in the field of nutritional sciences and sports medicine. Prof Noakes has ranked 2028 (all citations) and 1696 (self-citations excluded) out of 100 000 top-cited scientists across all disciplines according to an article published by PLoS […]

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