Prof Noakes HPCSA Deposition Videos 1- 83
The HPCSA charged Professor Noakes with unprofessional conduct for giving ‘unconventional advice’ to a breastfeeding mother on a social network (Twitter). The charge arose from a single tweet in February 2014 when Professor Noakes advised a mother that she could introduce her baby to a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet – a diet essentially […]
A Comparison of the Evidence: Prof vs HPCSA
As the final chapter of the HPCSA enquiry into Prof Tim Noakes draws to a close tomorrow, we take a look at the evidence that each party presented before the Professional Conduct Committee. In his testimony, Prof Noakes cited 354 publications and/or materials. These publications are of great scientific relevance and covered the whole spectrum […]
Prof Noakes HPCSA deposition – Part 45
Prof Noakes continues with The Science of Causation in Part 45 of the HPCSA hearing:
Prof Noakes HPCSA deposition – Part 43
In Part 43 Prof Noakes continues with The Science of Causation: