Diabetes and its effect on the immune system

In recent months the world has and continues to experience a grand collision between two global pandemics, that of COVID-19 and that of Type 2 Diabetes. While the coronavirus pandemic is due to a novel virus, a virus that has not previously been faced by the immune system, a concept that is natural and occurs […]

Breaking out of holiday mode

  Holidays are wonderful. They are a great time to recharge, to spend some time deepening your relationships with your loved ones. It’s a lovely time to step back from routine and become more comfortable with a change in pace. Holidays can also be challenging: sometimes it can be difficult to drop the pace and […]

Nutrition Network: Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Patient Treatment

Are you interested in attending the Nutrition Network Professional Training? The Nutrition Network is an education and learning platform founded by The Noakes Foundation in partnership with their extensive network of doctors and scientists. The platform is designed exclusively for medical practitioners and allied health workers across all disciplines and will cover the latest and most […]

Dr Hassina Kajee – Specialist Physician & LCHF Expert

Dr Hassina Kajee is a specialist physician. She worked for eight years in Groote Schuur’s Hospital and was in charge of the emergency unit for three years. Next year, she will open a private practice clinic in Cape Town. Dr Kajee is a member of the esteemed board of directors of The Noakes Foundation. She […]


The Noakes Foundation has recently welcomed a new member to their esteemed board of directors. Dr Hassina Kajee, who practices in a tertiary hospital, has been a close friend of the Foundation since its inception, and has consistently been a valuable advisor on many of the Foundation’s endeavours. Dr. Kajee brings with her extensive knowledge […]

A Physician’s Story: Dr Hassina Kajee

Hassina Kajee is a specialist physician at hospital in Cape Town, mom to a 1 yr old who was fed high fat breast milk till 6 months and then weaned onto whole foods. She, her husband, 3 year old and 1 year old have been on an LCHF lifestyle for 1 year and have never […]

Prof’s Words: The Real Food Revolution Gains Momentum

Article written for Cape Doctor  – Emeritus Professor Timothy Noakes The Banting Revolution continues to gather traction across South Africa So despite the best efforts of the Association of Dietitians of South Africa, the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) and various eminent medical academics, the Banting Revolution continues to gain traction across the length […]

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