The Reality of Childhood Obesity and Malnutrition: A Call to Action During School Health Week

As we recognize School Health Week, it’s important to reflect on the stark realities facing children globally—and especially here in South Africa—regarding their health and nutrition. Two major issues stand out: childhood obesity and malnutrition. While these problems may seem like opposite ends of a spectrum, they share a root cause—poor diet quality. This week […]

Rethinking Alzheimer’s: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

For decades, Alzheimer’s disease has been perceived as a natural consequence of aging or linked predominantly to genetic predisposition. We’ve accepted that age, family history, and lifestyle factors like poor sleep, lack of exercise, or even high cholesterol play their roles. But are we looking deeply enough into the real causes? Could there be a […]

Empowering Health in Dunoon: A Year of Impact and Future Growth

At The Noakes Foundation (TNF), we are committed to advancing scientific research and community health programs that challenge conventional dietary guidelines, especially in communities most vulnerable to non-communicable diseases like Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Over the past year, our collaboration with Eat Better South Africa (EBSA) and the Dunoon Community Health […]

Empowering Women’s Health: A Study on Nutrition and Thyroid Function

While it might be small, the thyroid is anything but insignificant. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, growth, and development, playing a central role in the control of the heart, muscle, digestive function, brain development, and bone maintenance. Thyroid disorders fall into two main categories: overactive, and underactive. An overactive […]

Alison and David’s Weight Loss Journey

  I am Alison and my partner is David. The pandemic arrives!!   David is working in a security environment for a University and I am working in a Corporate establishment in HR working from home as everybody else in the world – feeling scared.  As the virus became more dangerous and lockdown started to arrive – […]

Ancel Keys’ Cholesterol Con. Part 11. 1979-1984 

1979. The first results of the Helsinki Policemen Study are published.   The goal of this novel study which began in 1971, was to determine whether or not insulin resistance can be used to predict those who will develop CHD in the future. Recall that up until 1965 there was real interest in the role of […]

Ancel Keys’ Cholesterol Con. Part 10 – 1978-1979

1978. The identification of dietary trans fats as uniquely damaging to human health. When in 1 Proctor and Gamble employed the German chemist E.C.Kayser to produce the hydrogenated “vegetable” oil from cotton seeds, a product that would become known as Crisco (1), they had no legal requirement to prove that their novel industrially-produced food product […]

Ancel Keys’ Cholesterol Con. Part 9 – 1976-1977

1976-1977. The McGovern US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs releases its Dietary Goals for the United States. A key event that drove the global adoption of the Diet-Heart hypothesis was the 1972 US Presidential election in which the incumbent Richard Nixon was confronted by a losing war in Vietnam, rising food prices, […]

Ancel Keys’ Cholesterol Con. Part 8: 1970-1974

1970. Report of the Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources relating to the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and the Primary Prevention of the atherosclerotic process.  At the same time that the NHLBI Task Force on Atherosclerosis was meeting under the chairmanship of Fredrickson, Keys’ principal acolyte Jeremiah Stamler was convening another Commission to address the […]

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