Testimonial: My weight loss experience on a low carbohydrate diet

Starting my weight loss journey: I have no medical qualifications. Accordingly, I am only able to explain my personal weight loss experience. The reader is advised to discuss what I have set out in this document with their own doctor before deciding if a low-carbohydrate diet is suitable for them. For many decades I struggled […]
In Ketosis vs fat adapted – What’s the difference?

Welcome onto this edition of The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast. Today Brad Brown discusses with Prof. Noakes, the question of being in ketosis and being fully fat adapted. Is there a difference or is it the same thing? Prof. Noakes sheds some light on this interesting question. Listen to this podcast to find out how you […]
Get creative with alternatives to expensive Banting products

Welcome onto this edition of The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast. Brad Brown has a fabulous question for Prof Noakes today. Les wants to know why are the banting products on sale so expensive. She’s a pensioner and can’t afford the Banting products that they sell. There is knowledge that the Noakes Foundation is working on […]
Hydration strategy for long runs

On today’s edition of The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast, Brad Brown chats to Prof Noakes about athletics and hydration. Alex wants to know how to find the correct hydration strategy on his long runs. He’s left feeling drained, with no energy and cramping often on his long runs. He also finds that he perspires profusely. […]
Is dairy preventing your weight loss?

Welcome to today’s edition of The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast. Brad Brown has an interesting question today from Diane. She has been banting for about 4 years but hadn’t lost any weight on the diet. Her blood sugars and cholesterol levels however, did normalise. Was dairy preventing her weight loss? A month ago she put […]
Arteries and calcium buildup

On this edition of the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast, Brad Brown chats to Prof Noakes about a question submitted by Jerome. He wants to know whether there is a way one can be on the lookout for signs of calcium buildup in your arteries. Jerome recently completed 10km in 58 minutes thanks to LCHF. He also […]
Good Cholesterol vs Bad Cholesterol – what does it really mean?

On this edition of The Prof Noakes Podcast, we briefly look at what the purpose of the Noakes Foundation is and learn how they are trying to change nutrition and dietetics teaching around the world to become evidence based, as well as looking at the reversibility of Type 2 Diabetes. Brad Brown also chats to […]
Do statins prevent arterial heart disease?

On today’s edition of The Prof Noakes Podcast, we probe a question from one of our listeners who have had good blood results and has been advised that he needs to start on statin medication for a 6 month period. James Preston chats to Prof Noakes about the harmful side effects of statins and cholesterol. We […]
Low Carb and women

On today’s edition of the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast, James Preston chats to Prof Noakes regarding women on the low carb diet. He has a question from Dubai claiming low carb has wrecked women’s hormones and reproductive health. We find out here that many of the symptoms being experienced are often caused by a low carb low […]
Is cholesterol a risk factor for heart disease in women?

Welcome onto this edition of the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast. James asks Prof Noakes about cholesterol and menopause. We find out what the latest research is on cholesterol and the LCHF lifestyle and if women need to be worried about cholesterol and high fat in their diet. If you would like to subscribe to the podcast in […]