Meet the Inspiration behind NuMe/Nutriseed and stand a chance to WIN
Entrepreneur Nadine Hardy Petzer is the Managing Director of Nutriseed and is defined as a considerate disrupter who likes to challenge conventions. She is a high-energy individual and has good instincts; easily spotting gaps in the market. Her desire to eat delicious food, that’s equally nourishing and healthy, without the hassle of exhaustive […]
Adapt Your Life – The Foundation’s Newest Affiliate
The Noakes Foundation is excited to announce our newest Eat Better South Africa! affiliate, Adapt Your Life! Adapt is the first affiliate to have joined the program offering a low-carb protein bar for Banters and sports enthusiasts alike. The Eat Better South Africa! affiliate program was designed to create consumer awareness in the marketplace – […]
The Noakes Foundation is excited to announce that Eat Better! Is going global! In our ever-evolving pursuit to create awareness about the dangers of excessive sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption we have partnered with select brands and organizations who share our vision and will help us drive this health revolution. Our most recent affiliate is […]
Why Join our Affiliate Program?
Why become an affiliate? The Noakes Foundation is an internationally recognized Public Benefit Organization (PBO) founded by Prof Tim Noakes, an A1 rated scientist, doctor and researcher. The Foundation is supported by a distinguishable team of health experts, Doctors, Scientists, Dieticians, Nutritionists and Researchers and has an extensive national and international network of game […]
What is The Noakes Foundation Affiliate Program?
Why have an affiliate program? The market has been flooded with products that claim to be low in carbohydrates, LCHF, Keto or Banting-friendly, but how do you know that these products and the claims they make are true and can be trusted? The Noakes Foundation has chosen to work with a select number […]
The Noakes Foundation is proud to announce its newest affiliate partnership with Probyo – a South Africa cultured drink range that unlocks your natural energy by using the goodness from live probiotic microbes. The Noakes Foundation chose to take Probyo on as an affiliate partner because of their focus on the micro-biome. The Foundation […]