Do you have or have you ever had Type 2 Diabetes? Do you follow a low carbohydrate high fat (Banting) diet? If so, we would like you to volunteer to participate in a short study entitled:
‘Descriptive study of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients following a low carbohydrate high fat diet.’
This study will be conducted by researchers from the University of Cape Town. The main aim of the study is to find out more about how you follow a low carbohydrate high fat diet and how your diabetes has progressed, so that we can design future studies.
To be eligible, you must:
- have followed a low carbohydrate high fat diet for at least the past 6 months,
- be 18 years of age or older and
- have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
- be able to speak English
You will NOT be able to participate if you:
- have significantly changed your diet in the past 6 months
If you volunteer to participate, you will be required to:
- Complete an online health, diabetes, diet and exercise questionnaire.
- Visit the Sports Science Institute* on 1 occasion (90 min) for basic health screening.
- Provide a blood sample for glucose testing.
*The Sports Science Institute of South Africa is located in Boundary Road, Newlands, Western Cape. Willing participants who live too far away can still participate via online surveys and telephonic interviews, without coming in to the Sports Science Institute.
What are the risks and benefits for partaking in the trial?
By taking part you will help us design future studies in this field that will potentially improve the health and well-being of patients with type 2 diabetes. You will also receive a report of all results including dietary analysis, body measurements, blood pressure, and glucose, insulin and HbA1C blood concentrations. The risks and discomfort associated with taking part are small.
For more information and to apply, please contact any of the following researchers at the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, University of Cape Town:
Chris Webster Cell: 083 400 7206 Email:
Tamzyn Murphy Campbell Cell: 084 313 4103 Email:
Salih Solomon Cell: 072 129 9841 Email: