Prof’s Risk to Tell the Truth: a Letter from Christine Cronau

Christine Cronau is an Australian nutritionist, best selling author and speaker.

‘Professor Noakes has risked everything to tell the truth

I would like to ask the question…How can a doctor be accused of professional misconduct for recommending real food for a child?

In 1919, a book called What is Malnutrition? was published to address the first signs of malnutrition appearing in children in the United States. The early 1900s marked the beginning of a big change in diet (we started eating a lot more sugar and carbohydrate), and the health of children was starting to decline. It was identified as a problem to be addressed, but, unfortunately, it never was. And now we seem to have forgotten altogether that we ever advised children to consume a diet rich in fats and quality proteins.

Before addressing the problem of malnutrition, the author of the book describes a healthy child and then a malnourished child. Interestingly, the latter applies to most children today…

“A well-nourished child, first of all, measures up to racial and family standards of his age in height and weight. He has good color, bright eyes no blue or dark circles underneath them and smooth, glossy hair. His carriage is good, his step elastic, his flesh firm, and his muscles well-developed. In disposition he is usually happy and good-natured; he is brim full of life and animal spirits and is constantly active both physically and mentally. His sleep is sound, his appetite and digestion good, his bowels regular. He is, in short, what nature meant him to be before anything else a happy, healthy young animal.”

“A malnourished child lacks several or all of these characteristics of a normal child, depending on the degree of undernutrition. His skin may have a pale, delicate, waxlike look…There are usually dark hollows or blue circles underneath his eyes…his tongue coated, and his bowels constipated. His skin seems loose, his flesh is flabby, and his muscles are undeveloped. Because of the lack of a muscular tone, his shoulders are usually rounded; his chest is flat and narrow. Decayed teeth, adenoids, enlarged or diseased tonsils may also be present.

The malnourished child tends to “be listless in play and work, will probably tire easily, not care to romp and play like other children, and will often be regarded as lazy. There is likely to be a lack of mental vigor also. Little power of concentration and attention, and absence of a child’s natural inquisitiveness and mental alertness are his common characteristics. The expression of his eyes and of the entire face is often lifeless and dull. In disposition, he may be extremely irritable and difficult to manage, and he is often abnormally afraid of strangers. He may be nervous, restless, fidgety, and will probably sleep lightly and be “finicky” about his food.”

This condition was described almost 100 years ago, and what has happened since then can only be described as an absolute travesty. Back then, undernourishment was only seen in a relative minority; around 20%. Now, anyone working in a classroom could probably tell you that the description of a malnourished child could apply to the greater majority.

And the reasons identified? Here are a few:

“A diet insufficient or unsuitable is generally conceded to be the most common cause of malnutrition. To be well nourished, a child must have every day some body-building material, or protein, to help form his muscles, his blood, his heart, his lungs, his brain, and all other living parts of the body. Without it his muscles can not develop normally nor his organs be in the best condition.

“Certain proteins of animal origin, those of milk, eggs, and meat are more valuable for growth than are those of cereals, beans, peas, and vegetables. A liberal amount of the child’s ‘building material,’ therefore, should be furnished by foods of animal origin. Failure to supply these in sufficient amounts may result in undernourishment.”

“Fat soluble A is less widely distributed [than water soluble vitamins]. It is found in liberal amounts in the fat of milk, egg yolks, and glandular organs…it is quite possible that many children who have no leafy vegetables and practically no milk or eggs may fail to grow normally because of an insufficient amount of this fat soluble vitamin.”
This was before we changed the guidelines, which, instead of addressing this type of problem, advised the exact opposite of what children need to grow and develop properly. The low-fat, grain based dietary guidelines are not evidence based and are destroying our health—and that of our children.

I would like to ask the all important question. Why is it Professor Noakes on trial? Why aren’t our health authorities on trial? Health authorities such as dietetic associations all over the world are perpetuating a myth that is destroying our health. Now they are going so far as to accuse doctors of unprofessional conduct for telling the truth. Although many scientists have been aware of this for years, even the general public is now starting to see that these organisations are selling our health for the sake of profit.


Christine Cronau

Clinical Nutritionist, ATMS: 28450′

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