Empowering Health in Dunoon: A Year of Impact and Future Growth

At The Noakes Foundation (TNF), we are committed to advancing scientific research and community health programs that challenge conventional dietary guidelines, especially in communities most vulnerable to non-communicable diseases like Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Over the past year, our collaboration with Eat Better South Africa (EBSA) and the Dunoon Community Health […]

The Ozempic effect: Drugs vs Diet

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.” – a familiar phrase from Hippocrates dating back to around 400BC. While a few things may have changed in the world since then, this statement has never been more relevant. There is a rising ‘tsunami’ of chronic condition diagnoses, both physical and mental, and along […]

Psychologist contractor needed to assist cyber-victimology research

The Fake Celebrity Endorsement (FCE) project seeks to appoint a psychologist for a six-month consultancy position in September. The ideal person would be keen to research cyber-victimisation and to write about it. The psychologist’s work and payment is negotiable, but he or she would need to contribute at least ten hours of work every month […]

What are the people in South African townships really eating?

Towards the end of last year, The Noakes Foundation facilitated research that was done by two undergraduate students from the Netherlands who wanted to study the perceptions around the dietary habits, as well as the dietary intake of people living in South African township communities who have type 2 diabetes (T2D). Localising information & research […]

The Ketogenic Diet and Depression

It is well known that a ketogenic diet is one of the oldest forms of medical treatment to control seizures in people with epilepsy. It has been comprehensively researched since the 1920s and has since also been used for other purposes, like weight loss and the treatment of diabetes type 2. Over the recent years, […]

Paleo vs a Ketogenic Lifestyle

  Differences between a Paleo and a Ketogenic lifestyle Since both Paleo and the Ketogenic diet are based on eating a low amount of carbs and burning fat more efficiently, you may question what the exact difference is amongst these two types of diet. Although there are quite a few similarities and overlapping reported health […]

Mesothelioma Awareness Day – could an LCHF/Keto diet help?

  Mesothelioma Awareness Day – could an LCHF/Keto diet help? by Veronique Murphy   Today, September 26, is Mesothelioma Awareness Day. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. According to the Mesothelioma + Asbestos Awareness Center (MAA Center), about 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. The cancer is […]

World Alzheimer’s Day – Is Alzheimers Type 3 Diabetes?

Is Alzheimers Type 3 Diabetes? by Jonathan Mallory   Staring endlessly at a blank screen, waiting restlessly for the words that once flowed so smoothly. Straining with great effort to communicate clearly, wading through an ever-hardening pool of concrete which seems impossible to drain from the mind. Within the slowly shrinking space which is now […]

Heartburn, Reflux, GERD – a LCHF approach?

  Heartburn, Reflux, GERD – a LCHF approach? by Veronique Murphy   When you eat food, it travels down the oesophagus, through the lower oesophageal sphincter, and into the stomach. The lower oesophageal sphincter is a circular muscle that opens and closes to allow food into the stomach, and, hopefully, prevent it from coming back […]

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