Are you allowed alcohol on the Low Carb Diet?

We get a ton of questions about alcohol on the low carb diet. Many people enjoy the odd drink and today we find out what the deal is with alcohol on the LCHF diet.

You can still enjoy the odd drink on the low carb diet. However remember you are trying to stick to a daily allowance of carbohydrates and alcohol will add to your intake amount. Diabetics and other people on the LCHF diet for health reasons still need to be wary though. Alcohol is a carbohydrate, and a low nutrient one at that. If you have your grams per day amount and are trying to stick to it as you should to lose weight, you need to substitute your carb intake for the day. Here in lies the problem with alcohol, as you are forced to replace more nutrient dense foods like vegetables to accommodate it on the day.

The decision is up to you, but ideally you want to get the best nutritional value from the few carbs you are eating on a daily basis. Cutting out alcohol though is not a realistic goal for most people, unless you are insulin resistant and it becomes a big health risk. On the LCHF diet consuming of alcohol can and probably will have an affect on your results. While not a solution, it is a better option. Low carb beers have become very popular in South Africa, with most of the big brands having a “Light” beer alternative. The production of these beers is also a testament to the importance of a low carb diet. Whiskey is also a better option if you are going to be consuming alcohol, as it has a lower carbohydrate level than most other sources of alcohol.

Is the solution low carb beer?

While not a solution, it is a better option. Low carb beers have become very popular in South Africa, with most of the big brands having a “Light” beer alternative. The production of these beers is also a testament to the importance of a low carb diet. Whiskey is also a better option if you are going to be consuming alcohol, as it has a lower carbohydrate level than most other sources of alcohol.

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